Friday, December 20, 2019

Anne Mary Vidunas Beretsky, 1917 - 1981 part 1 of 8

Anne Mary Vidunas Beretsky 1910s

1917 -- Anne Mary Vidunas is born
1917 -- Father Augustus Vidunas dies
1917 -- World War I
1919 -- Paris Peace Talks

Mini Pedigree from

Anne is my Great Aunt, the sister to my Grandfather Joseph Vidunas.



Birth, 29 March 1917

By the time she was born, America was about to get involved in World War I.  I don't have a birth certificate for her, but I have secondary and tertiary sources which all point to her birth date as 29 March 1917, in Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.  We know she lived at 48 Pulaski Street in Kingston, because her father lived there when he died.  According to Wikipedia, there were 6,440 people living in Kingston as of the 1910 census (Wikipedia -- Kingston, 2019).

Location of Kingston in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
Location of Kingston in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
(Wikipedia -- Kingston, 2019)

Below are images from Google Maps and Street view, of 48 Pulaski street, Kingston

Kingston PA, google maps
Red circle is her place of birth
Google maps

Street view of 48 Pulaski.  On the right with red arrow

April 1917 -- Historical Insight -- America Enters World War I

Enacted just a month after the US declared war on Germany, the Selective Service Act required all males from the ages of 21 to 30 to register for military service.  By the end of the war, half of the 4.8 million soldiers in the American military had been drafted.
1917, Camp Admiral, Maryland
Credit:  Underwood Archives/Archive Photos/Getty Images
(Ancestry Historical Insights, 2019)

Death of her father, Augustus W. Vidunas 
She was only 2 months old when her father died.  He was working in the coal mine, had an accident with an axe on his knee.  It became infected and he died.  He was only 35 years old.  Today, we would call that sepsis.  His Find a Grave memorial is here.

Augustas Vidunas 1917 grave stone detail FAG 46205516

In other news:
In 1917, Russian revolution starts; US enters WWI (, 2018).
In 1918, Flu epidemic lasted two years, yet killed 25 million or more US citizens;  Prohibition started;  (

(Sioux City Journal, Sioux City, Iowa, 1911)


Historical Insight -- Paris Peace Conference

1919, Paris, France
Credit:  Library of Congress

(Ancestry Historical Insights, 2019)
Separate peace treaties were negotiated with the five nations who were viewed as aggressors during the war

In other news: -- League of Nations instituted;  Shortwave Radio invented (

1912 Dress

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Ancestry Historical Insights. (2019). 1919 Paris Peace Conference. Retrieved from
Ancestry Historical Insights. (2019). America Enters World War I. Retrieved from (2018). TimeLines. (Timelines courtesy of Timeline formatting and technology copyright © 2000-2018, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED under the Pan-American Conventions.) Retrieved from
Sioux City Journal, Sioux City, Iowa. (1911, April 28). 1911 Clip Art, Roald mundsen, South Pole Explorer. Retrieved November 27, 2019, from
Wikipedia -- Kingston. (2019, November 24). Kingston, Pennsylvania. Retrieved December 9, 2019, from Wikipedia:,_Pennsylvania
Wikipedia -- Wilson. (2018). Woodrow Wilson, 28th President. Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Wilson, W. (2018). Woodrow Wilson Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuotes:


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