Anne Vidunas Beretsky 1940s
1940 -- Census, Manhattan, New York City1940
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Anna Vidunas 1940 census Manhattan Borough, NYC |
Here we find her in Manhattan working Private Duty as a Registered Nurse. She's living with her roommate, Lillian Miller, who is also a Private Duty Nurse. They are both 23 years old, renting what might be an apartment. Neither one of them attend school anymore, but we see they had four years of college. Anna is from Pennsylvania, and Lillian is from Connecticut. Anna was living in Kingston in 1935.
In Other News:
1940 -- US Army appoints the First Black General; Colour Television opens our eyes
1941 -- The Manhattan Project begins, lasting four years (, 2018)
In Other News:1942 -- magnetic recording tape is developed; Nuclear Reactor is first built (, 2018)
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19 February 1945, Death of brother Joseph A. Vidunas (my grandfather)
Her brother Joseph died on 19 February 1945, in Brachelen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, when Anne Mary was 27 years old. His Find a Grave memorial is here
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1 Lt Joseph Vidunas, 1945 Find A Grave memorial 56304836 |
26 August 1945, death of mother Mary Sadausky Vidunas Yorski
Her mother Mary passed away on 26 August 1945 in Kingston, Pennsylvania at the age of 60. Anne Mary was 28 years old. Her Find a Grave memorial is here
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Harry S. Truman becomes the 33rd President of the United States
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1945 - 1953 Harry S. Truman, 33rd President (Wikipedia -- Truman, 2018) |
President Truman Quote: -- "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand" (Truman, 2018)
In Other News: -- United Nations meets for the first time; US drops the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; hypertext links things together (, 2018)
Anne Mary Vidunas and George Beretsky II marry
Ok. So I know, somehow, that they married about this time. But I cannot for the life of me tell you how I KNOW they married. I don't have proof of any kind. If you know where I can find that proof, let me know by using the contact form on the right.
So, apparently I do have a tertiary form of proof that she was married before 11 June 1946 because of this little article. She is listed as living on Nesbitt street in Larksville. We will take a look at that address in the next post.
In Other News:So, apparently I do have a tertiary form of proof that she was married before 11 June 1946 because of this little article. She is listed as living on Nesbitt street in Larksville. We will take a look at that address in the next post.
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11 June 1946 |
In 1946 -- The Bikini is barely there; The Cold War heats up
In 1947 -- India and Pakistan emerge from ex-British India; UN partitions Palestine to Jewish and Arab sections; Transistor is developed, leading to my first transistor radio (, 2018)
17 July 1948, Birth of son Donald Beretsky
Donald is my First Cousin once removed. He was born in Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. We will have that secondary proof in the next post.
In Other News:
1948 -- NATO is formed; Israel is inaugurated as a state; Arabs attack Israel on the same day it is inaugurated; 33 1/3 RPM musical recordings hit the turntable
1949 -- Apartheid policy is held in South Africa; Soviets detonate their first nuclear bomb; 45 RPM musical recordings also hit the turntables (, 2018)
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Nilsen, B. (n.d.). Grandma's Graphics Avatars. Retrieved December 12, 2019, from Grandmas Graphics: (2018). TimeLines. (Timelines courtesy of Timeline formatting and technology copyright © 2000-2018, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED under the Pan-American Conventions.) Retrieved from
Robert and Cynthia. (2019, September 23). 40's Nurse Uniform or Costume Sewing Pattern ... 1940s McCall 7869. Retrieved December 11, 2019, from Edtsy -- PurplePlaidPenguin:
Sheffler, C., & Sheffler, T. (2019, June 5). Find a Grave -- Mary V. Yorski. Retrieved December 11, 2019, from Find a Grave memorial 199786142:
The Wilkes-Barre Record, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. (1945, August 27). Mary Sadausky Vidunas Yorski 1945 obituary. Retrieved December 11, 2019, from
Truman, H. S. (2018). Harry S. Truman Quotes. Retrieved June 2018, from BrainyQuote:
War Graves. (2010, August 6). 1Lt Joseph Vidunas (1 Oct 1911–19 Feb 1945), Find A Grave Memorial no. 56304836. Retrieved December 11, 2019, from Find A Grave memorial 56304836:
Wikipedia -- Truman. (2018). Harry S. Truman. Retrieved June 2018, from Wikipedia:
Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, The Evening News, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. (1946, June 11). Anna Vidunas Beretsky 1946 meeting. Retrieved December 11, 2019, from