Anne Vidunas Beretsky 1970s
1976, Brother John Joseph Vidunas diesNothing else happened in this decade that I am aware of. Did she retire? Did she keep up with church functions and community functions?
In Other News:
1970 -- National Guard murders 4 students at Kent State University; Microprocessor begins processing things
1971 -- War flares up in Pakistan; Intel ships the very first uProcessor, the 4004
1973 -- The awful North Atlantic Trash patch was first discovered in this year; The October war between Israel and the Arabic nations erupts; The Internet becomes a thing (, 2018)
President Nixon resigns in disgrace ala the Watergate Scandal
Gerald Ford becomes the 38th President of the United States
1974 Gerald Ford (Wikipedia -- Ford, 2018) |
President Gerald Ford Quote: -- "Tell the truth, work hard, and come to dinner on time" (Ford, 2018)
In Other News:
1975 -- Ebola virus appears for the first time and is found to be 90% lethal!; Byte Magazine for computer geeks publishes it's first issue; the first home computer called The Altair 8800a begins connecting our worlds (, 2018)
16 November 1976 -- brother John J. Vidunas dies
Anne Vidunas Beretsky mentioned in John J. Vidunas obituary |
John J. Vidunas, 13 Cherry Street, Kingston, died Tuesday night in Nesbitt Memorial Hospital ... Surviving are ... sisters, Mrs. Stella Lowman, Kingston; Mrs. Ann Beretsky, Edwardsville. Burial ... in St. Mary's Annunciation Church, Interment Parish Cemetery.
In Other News: -- America celebrates her Bicentennial -- Happy 200th birthday!; Whites accept the principle of black majority rule in South Africa; Television begins satellite delivery; VHS Video Recordings begin entertaining us (, 2018)
1977 Simpson's Leader Times Feb 24, 1977 |
James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. becomes the 39th President of the United States
1977 Jimmy Carter (Wikipedia -- Carter, 2018) |
President Jimmy Carter Quote: -- "Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing ... you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn't affect two-thirds of the people of the world" (Carter, 2018).In Other News:
1977 -- The Neutron Bomb is developed with a bang!
1978 -- Jonestown pseudoreligious group commits mass suicide in which 913 people die -- they drank poisoned popular drink, thus begins the term "they drank the Kool-Aide" to describe one who follows a leader blindly; the first test tube baby was born; Laserdisc video recordings gives VHS a run for the money and were actually better -- sort of like huge CDs
1979 -- Margaret Thatcher becomes the first female Prime Minister; and Three Mile Island nuclear event happens (, 2018)
Vintage-Round-Graphic-Frame-GraphicsFairy |
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Carter, J. (2018). Jimmy Carter Quotes. Retrieved June 2018, from BrainyQuote:
Ford, G. R. (2018). Gerald R. Ford Quotes. Retrieved June 2018, from BrainyQuote: (2018). TimeLines. (Timelines courtesy of Timeline formatting and technology copyright © 2000-2018, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED under the Pan-American Conventions.) Retrieved from
Wikipedia -- Carter. (2018, June 23). Jimmy Carter,
39th President. Retrieved June 25, 2018, from Wikipedia:
Wikipedia -- Ford. (2018, June 24). Gerald Ford,
38th President. Retrieved June 25, 2018, from Wikipedia:
Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News, Wilkes-Barre Record, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. (1972, November 24). 1972 clip art doll Cynthia. Retrieved June 9, 2018, from
Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News, Wilkes-Barre Record, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. (1976, November 18). John J. Vidunas 1976 obituary. Retrieved June 9, 2018, from