Thursday, May 24, 2018

Albert Vidunas Pennsylvania #NotMyVidunas

This is Albert Vidunas of Pennsylvania.  However, as far I know, this is #NotMyVidunas.  Is he part of your family?  Let me know.

1920 Census, Pittsburgh PA #NotMyVidunas

Albert Vitunas, 1920 Census Pittsburgh PA

Albert Vitunas, age 5, born about 1915 Pennsylvania.  Home on Larkins Way, Pittsburgh Ward 16, Allegheny PA.  Parents are Paul and Mary Vidunas, both born Lithuania.  Paul age 42, Mary age 28, Edward age 6, John age 3, Adalaide age 1.  Is this the Albert Vidunas I seek?  It could be, except for a couple of things.

  1. The spelling of the last name is only slightly wrong.  If you say the name out loud, you can see how this could be a spelling variation.
  2. The mother's name in the Census is "Mary" while my Albert's mother is Valeria.  I suppose the census taker could have heard the name "Mary"
  3. While the first two children, Edward and Albert are in the correct order, and with the correct birth dates, I have Anthony "Gus", Constance, and William as the next siblings for my Albert, while this census has John and Adalaide.  Now that I look at it, I don't think this is my family, but I will keep my finger to mark this spot.  If you have any insight, let me know.

1930 Census, Butler PA #NotMyVidunas

Albert Vedunis (Albert Gedunis or Albert Vedunio)
born about 1898 in Pennsylvania, he is the single head of this family. He owns his own home worth about $4,000, and -- like my family -- he works as a laborer in the Coal Mines.  His parents were both born in Lithuania.

Albert Vedunis/Gedunis/Vedunio 1930 Census
Butler, Shuylkill PA

He lives with Margaret age 44, Helen age 16, and Joseph age 14.

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